Monday, October 09, 2006


As I am typing this I note that another Thanksgiving Day has passed into history. I caught a quick blurb on the idiot box of why we celebrate Thanksgiving in Canada and it got me to thinking.

Of course there is so much hype of the United States Thankgiving and the pilgrims and the whole nine yards. It appears that some in Canada's are getting confused with the American day as we are ever more flooded with the American media. Even in the news report when the reporter interviewed people on the street a lot mentioned the pilgrims.

I did a little searching around and came up with a net site on Thanksgiving In Canada. The site states that originally the day was started for the English explorer Martin Frobisher who was attempting to find a route to the Far East. He didn't succeed, however he did establish a settlement in Canada. The story continues on to the reason we celebrate Thanksgiving on the second Monday in October and what we celebrate now. That being Canadians giving thanks for a successful conclusion of the harvest that has just transpired.

After entertaining the 3 grandkids since Thursday, I found another reason to 'give thanks'. Giving thanks that the kids went home. Now don't take this the wrong way, we both love having the kids here visiting and welcome them any time. However, we do find that with three active children, they do keep you running and in constant motion. Of course both Sam and I are not used to younguns any longer.

They are continually making noises (talking, tv, computer, slamming doors, etc). Once Sheila and Wendall and the girls departed, the quietness was almost deafening. Both Sam and I let out a large sigh on their departure. Mind you it had been a long day for us in that we were up late last night, up early this morning and then a full day getting the fixings done up for supper. Sandra was just tuckered out and hit the pillow prior to 9 p.m.

Thank goodness Sheila was here to assist with the pies, cooking up the cabbage rolls and the organizing of the other duties. Supper was only a little bit late but who was counting. Everyone went away from the table well stuffed and satisfied with the meal.

I always enjoy the grandkids coming to visit but I also enjoy when they leave....

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