Sunday, January 18, 2009

Road Information

Quite a few people travel back and forth to Saskatoon via Highway 11. In the winter months, you are always worried about travelling through the Blackstrap valley. The Department of Highways takes good care of the roads through the valley, however, it does take them a bit to get to the area to sand and plow. So it would be nice to have a bit of advance knowledge.

Yesterday I was advised of a tool that can be used to check out a part of the highway right in the valley. This is a camera and it is streamed online. The camera also updates every 30 seconds, so you can get a basic idea of what is happening in the valley at any particular point in time. Of course it can't show great detail of the road, so you can't actually see black ice, but you can see snow, blowing snow, etc. As well you can see the vehicles travelling through the area.

The camera can be watched at the following web address:

Blackstrap Camera

Used in conjunction with the Highways 'Road Information', you can make up your mind whether to travel through the area or not. The Department of Highways road information can be found at:

Saskatchewan Winter Road Conditions

Check it out. . .

PS: There is also a camera being setup at Davidson, however, it is not operational as of yet. The link for this camera is:

Davidson Camera

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