Just Wondering ??
After recently resigning from the local Royal Canadian Legion; I got to wondering who is actually supporting our Legion and the Legion members in the current times.
As all veterans are more than amply aware, there are getting to be fewer and fewer members that would be classed as 'veterans of the World Wars'. Heck, there are getting to be fewer and fewer veterans of the Korean War conflict. Age is just catching up to all and sadly, old age is taking our 'World War' veterans from us at a very quick rate. That is not to say we don't still have military veterans that are still needing our assistance and help.
I did find it very frustrating, that an older person who was a member of the military during World War II who actually never left his home and served for a maximum of 5 years (usually less) in the Armed Forces, is treated with a way more respect than a member of the more recent Armed Forces who spent years in Bosnia, Cyprus, Vietnam, Israel, etc and has served for close to 20 years year in the military. Now I'm not taking away anything from the older 'vets'. They were willing to go, but just were not called up for one reason or the other. But the younger military person is/was also ready 'to go' where his country desired and into some very dicey situations. Some of the postings the newer members of our Armed Forces have been sent to are certainly no walk in the park, yet until recently, the general public has had no real respect for our military.
It is only recently when our military members have been killed in action in Afghanistan, that the people of Canada are taking a closer look at our military members. I'm sorry, but our military has been serving in very hostile spots since the Korean War, just the average Canadian has no idea or information on their service. Try a nice 3 year transfer to the city of Moscow (or Berlin or Saigon) in the early 70's. Do you think this would be an easy place to live with what was going on with the Cold War at the time? These people lived in 'hell' at the time, but no one worried about them. How about manning the barricades in Cyrpus (the Congo, Israel, Somalia, etc) in the steaming heats for months at a time with no contact with your family. Just a cake walk as at least there was no snow! Then we did get to a spot in Bosnia where our soldiers were actually involved in fire fights,etc. Many of the soldiers of the time ended up with PTSD and other medical problems, but of course it wasn't recognized as a real medical problem, so they ended up with no help. There are numerous places that our military members served with no real recognition and suffered more than most can even imagine.
So now we get to a point in the 'real world' where the Royal Canadian Legion's are trying to help our 'veterans'. Up until recently the recent military members were not even a blip on the Legion's radar. However, at least we had some former military members involved in the Legion to bring our current vets problems to the forefront. Sadly, as more and more veterans pass on or give up their interest in the Legions, the Legions are turning to Associates and Affiliate members who have no prior military background. Some of these people have no idea of the trials and tribulations our military members have gone through during the years. Sadly some are involved in the Legion just for the social element and have no thought to help our veterans. Now don't get me wrong, there are many, many Associates and Affiliates members that are doing a super job of carrying on the tradition of the Legion and their mandate. But, there are getting to be more and more that are just in the Legion for the social aspect of the organization or to put on a show that they 'give their all for the community and our veterans'. Sorry, but the sham shows through to those veterans and others that actually put their lives and careers on the line for their country.
From all I have read, eventually the Royal Canadian Legion as we know it, will be no more. There will be no more veterans of the World Wars left. The current veterans of conflict are not joining the Legion ranks to any great degree. So who is left to carry on the traditions and the usefulness of the Legion? The Associates and Affiliates and current military members, that's who. The only problem is that the majority of these people have no idea what a real military member (then or now) goes through to protect Canada and our allies or they don't have any inclination to be a part of the Legion (ie former military members). Certainly the un-military can read a bit and talk to a few veterans, but to actually 'walk a mile in a veteran's shoes' is what is really needed. Hopefully, the world will be able to settle our conflicts without having declared or undeclared wars. If that is the case, then eventually the 'reason for the existence of the Royal Canadian Legion' will cease (ie to assist our Veterans).
At that time, the 'wanna be's' will have to find another organization they can join so they can say they care and are there for our veterans. The only problem is that the military will still have veterans that will need our help (probably more than we now have). They just don't require a place to have a beer or two and a place to socialize. They need real help in a hospital or out patient for PTSD or other medical problems that the average Canadian has no idea even exist or existed. The ordinary citizen of Canada has no real interest in their problems or even care to be associated with a 'trained killer' from the Canadian military. They want to say they are helping our military members, but they don't even recognize the new military let alone help them.
What a crock :(
So what I was wondering about, is what happens to our military members of now. How do we look after them in the future when they can no longer serve the country due to sickness, infirmity, etc. Hopefully the Legion will be able to change and move towards helping these people as they have so aptly done for our veterans of the World Wars and Korea and the past. And hopefully the military members of today will accept the help of an organization such as the Royal Canadian Legion to assist them in their future trials and tribulations of life.
I/we can only hope.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Posted by
_ . _ . _ _ . _
11:15 PM
Labels: Legion
RJ and the Boys #1
James had his camera working overtime at the recent appearance of RJ and the Boys at Bud's on Broadway. I have uploaded one of the videos to YouTube with two more to go. These are very large files to upload so it takes a while. Here is the first one for your viewing pleasure.....
The video is quite large, so you may have better luck actually viewing through YouTube. The link is:RJ and the Boys #1
Posted by
_ . _ . _ _ . _
8:00 PM
Labels: RJ and the Boys
Sunday, June 28, 2009
The Quiet Was So Nice
I was awakened at an earlier hour than I normally want to be awake on a Sunday morning. Someone wanted some work done on their computer so decided to call at 8:40 a.m. to enquire when they could bring it over. Of course Sunday is the only day of the week that I get to lay back in bed and just roll over and log a few more zees. Not today though.
While I was up and waiting for the computer to arrive I thought it was a downright great looking day so I figured I might as well hit the links for a game of golf. I gave James a call and we were set for a 10:00 a.m. tee off.
There was a slight breeze but just enough to keep the mosquitoes away and to keep a person cool. So it was very enjoyable. But what really got me hit me on the 6th hole when I looked around and could see probably 10 other people on the course. The real nice thing was there wasn't a motorized golf cart to be seen. Everyone was walking with their carts. For some reason it just seemed to be so much more peaceful. You could hear the birds singing away and you didn't have to put up with the mechanical noises.
Nowadays a lot of motorized carts are electric so there is not a lot of noise to them. For awhile there all newer carts were electric, however, in the last while I have seen a few more gas ones showing up. Of course they are a bit noisier and stinkier than electric carts. Some folks figure they are better because they can go faster and what not. As for me, I prefer to walk as I'm out there to relax and not just tear around from one hole to the next. I'm also in it for a bit of exercise and you don't get too much exercise by sitting in a cart zooming around. Too each their own though.
All in all it was a nice comfortable round of golf. Not a terrific score, but I didn't embarrass myself either. James and I actually ended up shooting the same score which is nice in that neither one bettered the other. Just a real nice way to spend a Sunday morning that was wrecked with the early call :)
Posted by
_ . _ . _ _ . _
11:33 PM
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
One Knock Against Small Town Living
What follows is a made up situation that in no way should point towards any person in our community or any community I'm familiar with. It is a 'what if' or 'what could be' situation only that could happen in any town or city.
We all know how in small towns everyone knows everyone else (or just about so). The one problem with this is the rumours that can and are started on a daily basis. Let's say for example that a couple of guys decide to head over to the local watering hole to have another wobbly pop (of which they have had a few already). As they are sitting down, one of the fellows looks around to ensure that the pair have no one around and tells his mate of the the latest rumour he has heard or wants to make up. 'One of the local ladies is having a go around with one of the local men when her hubby is away working' They are joking of course and mean no harm in a little harmless talking. Now of course the fellow cautions his mate that this is just a rumour and not to repeat it to anyone else. The other fellow agrees and they finish their refreshment and move on.
You just know of course that there was someone else listening behind the corner (behind the door or wherever) or the mate just can't keep it to himself and the rumour starts to take on a world of it's own. The next thing you know you hear that the lady in question had a 'sleep over' with said man as his truck or car was parked outside her house all night long a couple days ago. Her husband was away working and wasn't able to get home for the night. Of course there was a very valid reason why the vehicle was parked at the house, but that is never revealed. This goes on and on and on. The next thing you hear is that the lady is pregnant, it is a wife swapping exchange, divorce, yada yada yada.
In small towns the local cafe is where most folks gather and swap tales. It would probably take about 1/2 a day for the above rumour to hit the local coffee circle. Of course every time it is told, the story is embellished upon. The next time the lady in question, her paramour or the husband/wife enters the cafe the conversation just dies. You have to wonder what they were talking about?
Now getting back to our original two thirsty gents . . . They finally wander into the coffee circle and hear the latest rumour only to be totally aghast as this is the one they started with each other as a joke or in jest. It just can't be, we meant nothing by it and we all know that the people in question would never get involved in something like this. It is just wrong. So of course they offer their apologies to the people involved and all is well again? This would be not the normal as usually no one knows where a certain rumour starts or who started it.
In a real world this would be the end of the story, however, as with most rumours it is not the end . . .
The trouble with this is that the rumour is out there and folks that have nothing better to do will just keep it moving and enlarging the rumour over and over and over again. Sure some folks will just mark it down as rumour but there definitely will be some that take it very much serious and think it is the gospel. Quite likely the reputation of some very nice people have been ruined by a stupid comment amongst just a couple of thirsty guys with nothing better to do. Once there is a question mark put on the morality of a person or the person's particular character, it is very, very hard to get it back.
The above scenario can certainly happen in a city as well as a smaller town, however, in the city your chances of someone actually knowing who the heck you are, who the people in the rumour are or really caring what the heck you are even talking about is very minute. Whereas some in small towns just live for a such good juicy rumour.
As I said when I first started this story, it is just a 'story' and there is no reality to it that I know of. It is not meant to point to anyone in particular and is only written about as one of the harsher living conditions of a town compared to a city.
It is definitely a wake up for those folks that start rumours or pass them on. You are not just having a bit of fun, you are hurting real people.
To my thinking, living in a Town has a way more positives than negatives, however, you do have to realize that there are some negatives out there as well.
You know I wonder if that is why I never or very rarely stop at the local coffee shop and instead drive the 30-45 minutes to the city to have a cup of java at one of the A & Ws. Naw, it must be that A & W has such great coffee :)
Posted by
_ . _ . _ _ . _
10:25 AM
Labels: Town Living
Saturday, June 06, 2009
What A Nice 'Fall' Day
As I headed outside first thing this morning, the weather was just not very nice. Very overcast and cool with a temperature of 4 C. The wind was down though so at least that is a plus. The last while has been crazy the way the wind has been so strong and of course coming out of the north. The only problem is that it is now June 6th and not November 6th. It just seems we can't get 2 warm days in a row and we can't get spring started let alone summer . . .
Oh heck just think in a short two weeks the days will start to get shorter :)
Posted by
_ . _ . _ _ . _
7:01 AM
Thursday, June 04, 2009
Smells So Nice . . .
I just returned from my morning paper rounds and all during the hour walk it drizzled rain. The first couple of steps out of the house and you could just smell the difference in the air. According to my gauge we have had about 1 millimetre which isn't much rain, but what a difference even this little bit makes.
In my mind it could drizzle all day long and it wouldn't bother me. However, for those in the farming industry that are not finished planting they may disagree. But in reality I think most folks would like a good rain as it is just so dry out there.
We'll see, but for now I'm just enjoying the fresh smell as the rain comes down . . .
Posted by
_ . _ . _ _ . _
7:11 AM