Thursday, October 25, 2007

Sad, sad, sad . . .
The other day I was reading the newspaper and read a letter to the editor about the paper publishing the names of children participating in sports. The writer felt that last names should never be used for children in the papers.

As I was out doing my morning walk, I was thinking about this article and remembering back to when I was a whole lot younger. If for some reason you were fortunate enough to be mentioned in a local newspaper, you wanted the whole world to know who you were. You were the local 'hero' at school for the next couple days or until another person bumped you off the list with their recognition in sporting news or other school endeavours. Everyone wanted a copy of the paper to take to their grandma and grandpa and other relatives to show them how their grandchild (niece/nephew) had won recognition by getting their name in the paper.

Of course now a days, young people have to content with bullies and others who would like nothing more than to be able to find out who you are so they can intimidate the child or do other dastardly deeds to the person. What a shame our society has evolved to what it is today where it is best that the last name of little Johnny (or Susie) who hit a home run or aced the spell-a-thon can't even be put in their local newspaper for fear of retaliation.

What a sad comment on how far our society has come in 2007 :(

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