Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Give You A Fright

To think you are normally surfing around on the Internet and when you click on a certain link you come upon a site that gives you a bit of the shivers. Well my son Craig had that happen to him yesterday as he clicked on Bike rider died on weekend trip.

Now you have to remember that originally the Bagnall family came from England and in particular the small village of Bagnall which is just a county east of the Wales border. It is also not surprising to have a motorcycle accident in England with a death. What is surprising to see your own name as being the deceased. Now the location of the accident is near the Wales border, but in reality it is not that far from the village of Bagnall.

What I find so interesting is that the deceased was 33 years of age. Of course my son Craig won't be 33 until this coming November. Still they are very close in age. It is interesting that different families of Bagnalls actually decided to pick out the same given name of Craig for their offspring. In my case no one in my family as far back as I could go on a genealogy search had the given name of Craig.

So what compelled these folks in England to name their son Craig the same as Sandra and I decided to name our son Craig? Damned if I know, but in a way it is a bit spooky.

On a different note, I know that there is another 'Dale Bagnall' out in the world. A few years ago a friend of mine was using ICQ as a chat program. At the time I was also using ICQ. My friend lost his contact list so was re-adding me to his list. Low and behold he found my name, added me to his list and then sent a few messages to 'Dale'. Then all of a sudden up pops more messages from another 'Dale' (which in reality was me).

As it turns out the 'Dale' that my friend had added was a female who lived in New Zealand. She would be probably about 25-28 years of age now (I can't remember how old she was when this all happened). I did end up adding her to my chat list and had a few chats with her, but there definitely was an age gap (to say the least of a total different country). It was an interesting time to say the least.

But back to poor Craig, I just wonder how many 'white' hairs he'll have after seeing his name pop up as deceased :)

Just keep it short Craig and no one will know :)

1 comment:

Shar-Lee said...

That is too freaky, could you imagine if you heard that on the news without all the details... makes me thankful my name is Shar-Lee.