Tuesday, November 14, 2006

There He Was - Gone !!

James was able to have quite a break in the last while as his truck got serviced and re-safety'd. The boss wanted him in the city yesterday to head out to Calgary so he would be in position to deliver the load first thing today.

The old saying of 'best laid plans' went up in smoke though. At 3:45 p.m. today, James was just leaving the city and heading to Alberta with his load. The truck safety was not finished and so there was more work to be done. The end result was that James had to sit and bide his time in the city since yesterday. Of course he was not a happy camper.

Now that he is heading out the weather is not the best. It does seem that most of the poorer weather (ie snow, etc) is to the north, so I'm hoping the highways are not too bad for him. Mind you he is heavily loaded, so he does have lots of weight. But then you always have to watch out for the other idiots out on the highways and the byways.

1 comment:

Shar-Lee said...

I wondered where the trucker was hiding, haven't heard from him in a while... I'll have to give him a call later this week!