Monday, December 11, 2006

Curling Starts Up

With a bit of trepidation I headed out to the curling rink this morning for the 10:00 a.m. draw. The senior curling season was about to start. I know the doctor said all seemed to be fine and that there 'should' be no problem resuming curling. But of course I still had the nagging thought in the back of the mind.

I certainly was a bit tentative at first when I was going up and down the sheets sweeping. However, as the game moved along, I did put more and more into the actual sweeping task at hand. There didn't seem to be any problem and it didn't feel like I was putting any extra stress on the pelvis area with the extra sweeping.

After and 8 end game I still felt the same. Now a couple hours later I'm still fine, however, the back is a bit stiff. That normally happens though as you are trying to walk on place where you are not supposed to be walking (ie ice surfaces). Of course the sweeping puts extra stress onto the back as well. I'm sure I'll be a bit stiff in the morning, but other than that all feels fine.

Oh by the way, we tried our hardest, but we came up short. The score was 7 to 5 for the other team on the last end. We had the hammer coming home with a nice clean draw to score 2 for the win. The dagnabit piece of granite just refused to move that extra 1.5 feet into scoring position even though we swept as hard as we could. We ended up winning the end, however, we only scored one point so the other team won the match 7 to 6.

It's all in fun anyway and of course I enjoyed just getting back out on the ice once more.

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