Tuesday, December 19, 2006

The Trucker

James is back down south again picking up another new trailer. He believes he should be back near the weekend. At least he thinks so as the company has a Christmas party lined up. Funny thing though is that the boss hasn't mentioned anything to him about the party, however, the other drivers have enquired whether he was going or not.

Maybe James is in someones bad books :-)

On the way south, James tried to do some 4 wheeling in North Dakota. Seeing he was going south for a new trailer, he was bob tailing. Of course semis are not the nicest to drive when they don't have a trailer to add some weight in the back. James hit some ice and before he knew it he was in the ditch. Thank goodness the ditch was fairly level with little snow so he was able to continue on and then pulled up out of the ditch okay. At this time he wasn't really driving too fast which also probably helped.

A driver behind James also hit the ditch but he wasn't as lucky as James as he ended up out in the farmer's field. Mind you he was pulling a trailer so couldn't turn quite as sharp as James could.

The nice part was that there was no damage done to James truck which is good. It is hard to make any money when you have to pay for damages...

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