Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Anyone Needing Sleep?

For some folks that work shift work, there is a need to assist themselves with the sleeping during the day. A lot of people use something to create white noise for them. This entails anything that puts out some noise but not enough to keep people awake. I used a fan whereas some people use a radio set off the channel for just static or other means.

I came upon the Sound Sleeping net site. It is interesting in that you can play background noise to assist you in sleeping. When I came upon the link for the site, I just had to visit to see what it was about. You can try it out and see what you think with the various different sounds.

To try out the various sounds, you left click with your mouse once to select the indivdual sound. Then click again and hold down the 'left mouse' button. Your 'mouse pointer' should turn to a hand. Continue to hold down the mouse button and move the 'hand' to the up to increase the volume level. You can then move the indicator left or right to move from your left to right speakers (or in the center for both speakers). You can select more than one different sound and combine them. Just select one sound and choose your level and then select the second (and third, etc). I did find it a bit strange when the first sound was for a drum but some of the others are very pleasing (to my thinking).

These sounds remind me of a course I once took and part of the course was how to relieve stress after a hectic shift. We were given VCR tapes with a movie of the ocean and the waves coming in. The idea was to watch the picture and let your mind float on the waves. Your stress was supposed to float away as well. At the time it was darn interesting and it did work to level your stress levels.

Some of the sounds on the 'Sound Sleeping' site would probably do the trick for a lot of people and allow them to slow down the persons metabolism so they fall asleep. These sounds block out the background noise that are around us all of the time and allow the person to relax. For folks that have never tried to sleep during the day when the normal world is in motion it might seem a little strange. However, for any people that have worked shift work, it is just another tool to assist the individual sleep.

Heck, I still use a fan most of the time to sleep even now. The fan just blocks out the background noise (or as now, the lack thereof) and allows me to get a restful sleep.

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